Tablet Private (CUSAS 28)

NaBuCCo ID 3999
Museum No. Private (CUSAS 28)
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period Each
Year BCE 497
Editio princeps CUSAS 28 027


This record deals with A's unsuccessful claim on a plot of land (zēru) that B had rented out (nadānu)(*) for gardening (ana kirûti). He maintains (ana harara alāku) that B was not entitled to do that because he is not the holder of the land (la attu'aka šū). In fact, A claims ownership rights over it for himself (ina muḫḫi ušuzzu)(**). Eventually (arki), for reasons not stated in the document, he agrees to resign his claim in favor of B (ana ~ muššuru, lit. "to release to"). Apparently, they had achieved an out-of-court agreement. The next passage is damaged but can be safely reconstructed as follows(***): both sides agree not to reopen the case (ana muḫḫi … ul ragāmu) in the future (ūmu ṣâtu), because it is legally B’s bow-land (ša B bīt qaštišu) and A has no share in the land (zittu yānu). The matter is fully settled (dabābu yānu) and each party took a copy of the record. The land in question is described at the beginning of the record in legal-administrative, agricultural, and topographical terms as follows: it is institutional bow-land (bīt qašti) within C's holding (bīt ritti, lit. "hand-land"), belonging to a person whose name is broken off (at the end of line 1); it is planted with trees (zaqpu); and located between the rivers (ina bīrit nārāti), more exactly between Nabû-dūr-pānīa's Canal and the Horseriders' Canal (nāru ša parrāšê). Names of 6 witnesses, among them: Haggaya, A's brother (ahu ša ~) and Azrīqam/Šamā-Yāw, a colleague bow-land holder (kinattu). Name of the scribe: Nabû-nādin-aḫi/Libluṭ//Šumu-libši.

Notes: (*)Read in l. 5 ┌id-da┐-áš-šú  (collated). (**)Read at the beginning of l. 10: [u-šu-u]z (collated), and see CAD U: 387 "to be entitled to". (***)Ll. 12-16a (collated): […] ┌ḪA.LA┐ šá mni-ir-ia-a-ma / [ia-a-nu mni-ir-ia-a-ma] ┌ù┐mšá-lam┐-ma /  [a-na u4-mu ṣa-a-ti] ┌it-tia-ha-meš /  [a-na UGU-ḫi ŠE.NUMUN šu-a]-tì ša mšá-lam-ma É gišBAN-šú / [ul* i*-rag*-ga*-mu*  u* dabābu* ia]-a-nu.


A = Nīr-Yāw/Ahīqam; B = Šalammu/Bahi-Esu; C = Zumbaya/Amidû

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. 25-[x]-24+