Tablet W 18109

NaBuCCo ID 3868
Museum No. W 18109
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE 577

Multiple transactions of the same type: summary tablet listing expenditures (and possibly also incomes). Very fragmentary.

Fragment of a larger tablet that recorded different expenditures by the Eanna for the months Kislīm (IX) to Addar (XII) of Nebuchadnezzar’s 28th regnal year. The text opens with the distribution of silver to different individuals: 12 shekels to A1, 3 ½ shekels to A2 (given) the 15th Addar (XII); 6 shekels to B (given) the 17th Addar (XII); ¾ shekel, recipient not mentioned, given out as the price for 3 hides. After a horizontal line, the text records that three individuals (C, D1 and D2) received (našû, Stat.) something – the object(s) is/are lost in a lacuna. E received(? verb lost) something on the 1st of Kislīm (IX). The following section refers to sesame: 4 measures (mašihu) (given to) F, (taken) from (ina) the tithe (ešrû) [lacuna: that is charged against/at the disposal of?] G. H received (našû, wr. GIŠ) from (ultu) the storehouse (bīt karî) 4 (more) measures, on behalf of (ana muhhi) I. Such exchanges are said to have taken place on the 13th of Šabāṭ (XI). On the 17th day of a broken month of (Nebuchadnezzar’s) 28th regnal year J, the bishop (šatammu) received (našû, wr. GIŠ) from (ina) the (Eanna’s) property (makkūru) a broken amount of measures (mašīu) of sesame for (ina) the prebendary work (ūmu, lit. “days” of the bakers from Šabāṭ (XI) of the 28th year to … of the 29th year. K received (našû, wr. GIŠ) 4 measures of sesame on behalf of (ana muhhi) L, 16 on behalf of (ana muhhi) …, and 8 (on behalf of?) M, on the 13th Ṭebēt (X). In the last, fragmentary lines only one name (N) and the term for “income” (irbu) are extant. Rest broken off.

A1 = …/Nanāya-iddin; A2 = Tabnea//Rab-banê; B = Nabû-zēru-iqīša/Nanāya-bāni-…; C = Ina-tēšî-eṭir; D1 = Amurru; D2 = Mukīn-Marduk; E = Kabtia; F = Balāṭ-…; G = Nanāya-ahu-iddin/…; H = Bānia; I = Balāṭu; J = Marduk-bēlšunu, bishop (šatammu); K = Arad-Nabû; L = …-Nabû; M = Bēl-uballiṭ/Ea-iddin; N = …/Arad-Nanāya

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 28-mm-dd