Tablet W 18213,11

NaBuCCo ID 3800
Museum No. W 18213,11
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE 582

Tabulated list of livestock and animal products. Very fragmentary.

Fragment of a tablet listing various sheep and goats: male lambs (kalūmu and parru), he-goats (urīṣu), sheep for the regular offerings (sattukku) and she-goats (unīqu). The record possibly has been written as the result of an inspection carried out by the Eanna personnel at the time of the shearing (ina gizzu), though the verb amāru in line 10 of the obverse is partially reconstructed. The tablet also mentions wool, hides (= dead animals?), expenses (idū), specific days and at least two individuals, and thus it may resemble the so-called “scribal daybooks” discussed by Kozuh 2014, 51ff. It is not clear in how far the tablet is tabulated: there is a horizontal line dividing the obverse from the reverse, and a vertical line running across both sides, but headings, if there were extant, are lost in the lacuna at the beginning of the tablet.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 23-mm-dd