Tablet W 18201,32 + Wy 22

NaBuCCo ID 3794
Museum No. W 18201,32 + Wy 22
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period -
Year BCE None

Note on silver. Undated.

The tablet accounts for various amounts of silver that are due to the Eanna: the original total sum has been divided into smaller amounts, owed by different individuals. ½ mina and 2 shekels of silver, the first instalment for the first year, together with 13 ¼ shekels, what remains to be paid for the fifth year, are under A’s responsibility (ina pāni). 27 minas and 10 shekels, what remains from the original total amount, are under B’s responsibility (ina pāni).

A = Nabû-šumu-ibni; B = Bēl-iqbi

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd