Tablet W 18204,73

NaBuCCo ID 3739
Museum No. W 18204,73
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period NB
Year BCE 607

List of barley disbursements for rations to multiple recipients (temple personnel?). Dated.

The tablet records in an organized way headingthe food rations (kurummatu) distributed by the Eanna for Arahsamna (VIII) and Kislīm (IX) to temple oblates (širku) on the 27th Kislīm (IX) of Nabopolassar’s 19th regnal year. LINE. Two classes of men are listed: list with summaryon the obverse, nine blacksmiths (nappāh parzilli) were given (nadānu, wr. SUM) each one 0;2 kor (c. 72 l) (of barley). The reverse continues with headingthe rations for Arahsamna and Kislīm that were paid out (apālu, wr. ap-lu-tu), naming list5 more individuals who receive each 0;1 kor (c. 36 l) (of barley): all these rations are deducted (ina libbi) from someone else’s share.

According to the text, the blacksmiths receive the barley in Babylon; the onomastics, however, proves that all those who appear in the texts were inhabitants of Uruk.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. 19-IX-27