Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 3665
- Museum No.
- W 18218,3
- CDLI P-Identifier
- Place of issue
- Uruk
- Type and Content
- Inventories
- Archive
- Eanna temple
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- NB
- Year BCE
- None
- Editio princeps
- AUWE 5
- Paraphrase
List of livestock, with subtotals and a grand total. No herdsman. No date.
list The tablet lists 1000 fertile? ewes (lahru tālittu? The term tālittu is broken), 94+[x] male lambs (kalūmu), 200 female lambs (parratu) – subtotal a total of 1384 “white animals”. list Then the list continues with 8 he-goats (urīṣu), 1 she-goat (enzu), 1 young he-goat (lalû) and the term for young she-goat (unīqu) with no indication of a number – subtotal the second partial total counts, in fact, 10 “black animals”. grand total The definitive number of sheep and goats (ṣēnu) belonging to the Eanna is then given: 1398.
- Transliteration
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- -. yy-mm-dd
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Stephania Ermidoro, Kathleen Abraham (20/09/2023)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- None