Tablet W 18207,22

NaBuCCo ID 3657
Museum No. W 18207,22
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps AUWE 5 014

List of livestock allocated to multiple herdsmen, with extractions in wool, goat hair and male animals. Scribal worksheet.

The top part of the tablet is broken: listit must have listed an unknown amount of female lambs (parratu), she-goats (enzu), he-goats (urīṣu), young she-goats (unīqu) and young he-goats (lalû), for a total of [x]100+18 sheep and goats (ṣēnu), that the Eanna put under A’s responsibility (ina pāni). creditThe herdsman in charge will deliver a broken amount of male animals, less the expected death deductions of 46 sheep (mašku, lit. hides) and 16 UD.DA (uncl., perhaps goat hair) (in return). LINE. listThe Eanna further put under B’s responsibility (ina pāni) a total of 418 sheep and goats (ṣēnu). His herd consists of [x]+6+280 rams (puhālu), [x]+60 fertile ewes (lahru tālittu), [x]+22 female lambs (parratu) and [x]+20 male lambs (parru). creditThe herdman in charge will deliver a broken amount of male animals, less the expected death deductions of 32 sheep and 11 UD.DA  (in return). LINE. incomeThe reverse lists the amounts of wool (šipātu) (that the Eanna received from its herdsmen): a broken amount from (ša) C, [x] talents and 45 minas from A, and [x] talents from B. Rest broken off.

A = Abdāya/Abu-ilia; B = Nabû-irâm/Ša’iru; C = Balāssu/Bēl-ēṭir

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy-mm-dd