Tablet YBC 03864

NaBuCCo ID 3576
Museum No. YBC 03864
CDLI P-Identifier P305222
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period Each
Year BCE 528

Promissory note for outstanding date imposts (indu) for Cambyses’ first year owed by Ardiya/Eanna-šumu-ibni and Balāṭu/Nādin-aḫi. A settlement of accounts had resulted in a deficit of 303;3.2 kurru. The two individuals must pay within 5 months. The text is witnessed by Nabû-mukīn-apli/Nādinu//Dābibī, bishop (šatammu) of Eanna, Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti) of Eanna, Bēl-ēpir-Nabû, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and paqdu in Eanna, and Amurru-šarru-uṣur/Aḫu-līšir, parchment scribe (sēpiru). Nādinu/Bēl-aḫḫē-iqīša//Egibi serves as the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 02-IV-07