Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 3554
- Museum No.
- YBC 09088
- CDLI P-Identifier
- P309820
- Place of issue
- Uruk
- Type and Content
- Summonses/Oaths/Injunctions
- Archive
- Eanna temple
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- Each
- Year BCE
- 528
- Editio princeps
- Paraphrase
Presentation of accused. Bēl-ēṭir/Nanāya-[…], [PN]/Aplāya, Innin-[…]/Nanāya-ēreš, Kalbāya/[PN], and Bēlšunu/Rēmūt must bring Mār-bīti-iddin, Nabû-ēṭir, and Iddin-Nunu on 15-XII to Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti) of Eanna. They had illegally picked temple dates from that year’s harvest. The men guarantee one another. Three witnesses and Marduk-nāṣir/Madānu-aḫḫē-iddin//Šigû’a, the scribe.
- Transliteration
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- Cam. 01-XII-15
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- None