Tablet YBC 06943

NaBuCCo ID 3542
Museum No. YBC 06943
CDLI P-Identifier P307957
Place of issue
Type and content Statement in court/Deposition
Period Each
Year BCE 529

Depositions regarding a failed escape attempt from the prison (bīt kīli) of Eanna. Nanāya-aḫu-iddin/Arad-Nabû, prison chief of Eanna, declares to Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti),  and the assembly of the mār banê that in the night of 19-IX Nargiya/Ilu-gabari, temple shepherd, and Šamaš-bēl-kullati/Lâbâši tried to escape from prison (by cutting an opening with an iron knife) after having taken the temple oblate (širku) Damqiya hostage and wounding him by his collar, before being arrested. Both confess to the crime and add that they were helped by the temple oblate (širku) Nidintu from Raqqat-Šamaš in the service of Balāṭu, and Šamaš-abu-uṣur, the slave of Šamaš-ibni/Gimillu. Their knife is presented in court and  Mannu-idāssu-īde, woman servant of Lâbâši, confesses to having given it to Šamaš-bēl-kullati. Six witnesses and Gimillu/Innin-zēru-iddina scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. 00-IX-19