Tablet YBC 03836

NaBuCCo ID 3517
Museum No. YBC 03836
CDLI P-Identifier P305194
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Each
Year BCE 531

Promissory note of Sūqāya/Gimillu to pay 40 kurru of dates, the remainder of the imittu impost for that year, pertaining to the rent farm (sūtu) of Ardiya/Nabû-bān-aḫi//Rēmūt-Ea. The debt is to be paid to Ardiya in month X. Sūqāya promises payment under oath sworn by Bēl, Nabû and the adê of the king. He is also to prove a having made a previous of 18 kurru of dates to Balāṭu and Bēl-eṭēri-Šamaš. All of the above is independent of the settlement of accounts for a quantity of silver corresponding for dues of fresh dates, barley and sheep. Three witnesses and Innin-zēru-ušabši/Gimil-Nanāya, the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 08-X-28