Tablet YBC 04147

NaBuCCo ID 3499
Museum No. YBC 04147
CDLI P-Identifier P305459
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period Each
Year BCE 533

Presentation of accused. Anu-aḫu-iddin/Pir’u promises to present the oblate (širku) Ahī-lumur/[PN], who owes a balance (of small cattle; rēḫu) to the Eanna, by 20-XIIbis, to Nidinti-Bēl/Nabû-mukīn-apli//Dābibī, bishop (šatammu) of Eanna, and Nabû-aḫu-iddin, royal representative (ša rēš šarri) and commissioner (bēl piqitti) of Eanna. If he fails to do so, he will have to pay 5 silver mina to the temple. Five witnesses and Arad-Marduk/Marduk-šumu-iddin//Bēl-aplu-uṣur, the scribe.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 06-mm-07