Tablet YBC 07554

NaBuCCo ID 3491
Museum No. YBC 07554
CDLI P-Identifier P308497
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period Each
Year BCE 534

Overview of the outstanding (rēḫānu) cattle given to Gimillu/Innina-šumu-ibni. The herdsmen in question include Nanāya-ēreš, Rēmūtu/Naˀid-Marduk, Gimillu/Arad-Innin, and others. An outstanding remainder of small cattle (1807), wool (56 talents, 56.5 minas) and goat hair (4 talents, 18 minas) is charged against (ina pāni) Iqīša and Zēria, sons of Nanāya-ēreš. All applies to the fifth year of Cyrus.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cyr. 05-IX-17