Tablet BM 33070

NaBuCCo ID 343
Museum No. BM 33070
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Divisions (other than inheritances)
Period NB
Year BCE 570
Editio princeps Nbk. 283
Paraphrase Transfer of ownership, subject to life interest
fA, of her own free will (ina hūd libbišu), has transferred the ownership of her properties (nikkassu) located inside and outside the city to her daughter fB under a sealed document (kanāku - dagālu Š). The transferred amount does not include 5 minas of silver, 2 slaves (amīlūtu) and household goods (udê bīti), that she previously gave to C as her daughter’s dowry (nudunnû). As long as fA will live, she will enjoy the usufruct (akalu akālu) of her assets. She cannot transfer the property (of anything) to anyone, on her own authority (šalāṭu - nadānu). The text also records that fB will not give any of the properties inherited from her mother to anyone, without (the consent of) her husband, C. When fA will die, her assets will be at fB’s disposal (ina pāni dagālu N). The text ends invoking the gods’ curse upon whomever will change (enû) the words written in this agreement (dabābu). Names of 6 witnesses and the scribe.
fA = fSilim-Ištar/Kurigalzu//Ša-nāšišu; fB = fGula-qā’išat, daughter of fA; C = Bēl-ušallim/Zēria//Nabāya
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. yy-VII-dd