Tablet Eames R27

NaBuCCo ID 3368
Museum No. Eames R27
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE 588
Editio princeps Payne 2007 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Administrative record of transfer.

pSingle transaction with multiple entries: a list of garments given for repair and cleaning. Dated (no RN).

The tablet lists woven cloths (mihṣu) that the Eanna temple gave (nadānu, wr. sum-nu) to weavers (išparu), and one unnamed launderer (pūṣāya), for (ana) repairs (batqu). This header-like info is added at the end of the text.

1 lubāru-garment and 1 šalhu-garment are at the disposal (ina pāni) of fA1 for sewing (kubbû); 2 lubāru-garments of the (divine) Ladies/Mistresses (dgašanmeš) are at the disposal of A2 and A3; 1 lubāru-garment is at the disposal of A2; 1 cloth-cover (hullānu) is at the disposal of A3; and 6 šalhu-garments are at the disposal of the launderer for (ana) cleaning (zikûtu).


A1= fḪipāya, weaver (išparu); A2= Nanāya-ēreš (/Nabû-ušallim), weaver (išparu), see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 186f.; A3= Ṭāb-Uruk (/Balāssu?), weaver (išparu) and a known temple-serf, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 200.

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. 17-XII-8