Tablet GCBC 00423

NaBuCCo ID 3332
Museum No. GCBC 00423
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps GCCI 1 249

Administrative record of transfer. Dated.

Issue of cress and salt to several officials for various expenses, a.o. for the payment of salaries.

A2*, A2*, and A3* drew (našû) [x];2.3 kor of cress and 3;2.3 kor of salt for the salaries (kurummatu) of Ṭebēt (X), Šabāṭ (XI), Addar (XII), and 15 days from intercalary Addar (XIIb): Outgoing: [x;x.x].3 kor salt and 0;1.4.3 kor of cress for the (salaries of the) 7 workers (ṣābu) of the rab-[…] official, the craftsmen (ummânu), and the guards (maṣṣartu) of the cattle shed (bīt alpi); the rest of the entries mention only the amounts but not what is given: 0;0.5 kor (of ?) for B1, the summoner (dēkû) and his 5 workers; 1 kor (of ?) for the fodder (ballu) of the cattle and for B2, the cattle feeder (mušākil alpi); and 0;0.1 kor (of ?) for B3, the overseer of temple-serfs (rab širki).


* A2, A2, and A3 are probably decurions but the text is broken.


A1= Innin-zēru-šubši/Nanāya-karābi; A2= Gimillu/Marduka; A3= Innin-zēru-ibni/Rēmūt; B1= Upāqu, summoner (dēkû); B2= Rēmūt, cattle fidder (mušākil alpi); B3= Eanna-šumu-ibni, overseer of temple-serfs (rab širki)

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 34-IX-3