Tablet NCBT 01079

NaBuCCo ID 3312
Museum No. NCBT 01079
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Record of transfer
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Administrative record of transfer. Dated (no RN).

Single transaction with multiple entries: delivery of carcasses by ploughmen.

The Eanna temple received (mahāru, Stat.) carcasses (pagru) from the following ploughmen (ikkaru):

List: 1 ox carcass (received from) A1; 1 (from) A2; 1 (from) A3; 1 (from) A4; 1 (from) the son of A5, which was (brought) on the 19th day (the scribe simply forgot the name of the ploughman who brought the ox the previous day, but knew he was the son of A1; Janković 2013: 55144). Total: 5 carcasses of oxen were received from the ploughmen (ikkaru).

The scribe then remembered he had one more name to add: list continued: 1 (from) A6. Total: 6 carcasses of oxen.


A1= Bēl-uballiṭ (/Lâqīp?), ploughman (ikkaru); A2= Nabû-zēru-ukīn/Mannu-il, ploughman (ikkaru); A3= Šumu-ukīn/Zabidāya, ploughman (ikkaru); A4= Nabû-zēru-ibni/Ahhēa, ploughman (ikkaru); A5= Iddia, father of the 5th (unnamed) ploughman (ikkaru); A6= Bēl-ahhē-erība/Nabû-ēṭer, ploughman (ikkaru)



Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. 14-X-20