Tablet test56

NaBuCCo ID 3304
Museum No. test56
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content None
Period Each
Year BCE None

heading: Barley given (nadānu, wr. sum-na) to the temple temple-serfs (širku):

list of outgoing barley: 0;5 kor for 4 iron smiths (nappāḫ parzilli) to A1; (each of the following functionaries received) ½;0.3.0: A2 the launderer (pūṣāya), A3-4 the weavers (išparu); A5 the carpenter (nagāru); A6–7 leatherworkers (aškāpu); A8–12 the doorkeepers (atû); A13 the doorkeeper of the entrance gate (bāb nerebi); A14–21 the ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A22–24 who spent the night at the storehouse (bīt karê).


A1= Nabû-zēru-iddin; A2=  Nanāya-ēreš, launderer (pūṣāya); A3=  Bēl-iqbi; A1=  Nanāya-ilūˀa the weavers (išparu); A4= Iddin-Ištar the carpenter (nagāru); A5= Amīl-Nanāya, leatherworker (aškāpu); A6= Itti-Eanna-būdia, leatherworker (aškāpu); A7= Nabû-ušēzib, doorkeeper (atû); A8= Nāˀid-Ištar, doorkeeper (atû); A9= Nādin-apli, doorkeeper (atû); A10= Amīl-Nanāya/[…], doorkeeper (atû); A11= Amīl-Nanāya, doorkeeper (atû); A12= Ina-ṣilli-Nanāya, doorkeeper of the entrance gate (bāb nerebi); A13= Ša-Nanāya-tašmet, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A14= Kīnāya, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A15= Arad-Nanāya, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A16= Itti-Eanna-būdia, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A17= Nabû-qatti, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A18= Rēmūt, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A19= Lišūnu, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A20= Nabû-ušabši, ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A21= Nanāya-[…], ox feeder (mušākil alpi); A22= AmīL-Nanāya; A23= Itti-Eanna-būdia; A24= iqbi

Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd