Tablet YBC 03989

NaBuCCo ID 3271
Museum No. YBC 03989
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps PBS 1/2 Editio princeps PBS 13 Editio princeps PBS 15 Editio princeps Payne 2007 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Summary account of issued materials, delivered finished goods, and wages paid to multiple blacksmiths. Dated.

The tablet lists the materials issued to A1, a known blacksmith, the finished goods delivered by him, and the wages paid to him and to two other men A2, and A3. It is divided into three columns, each with a heading followed by multiple (dated) entries. The king’s name is never given, but all regnal years mentioned are of Nebuchadnezzar.

See Payne 2007 (PhD diss.) for a convenient summary table of the entries by chronological order.

(col. i) outgoing, heading: Iron given out (nadānu, wr. sum-nu): 4390 shekels (≈ 36.5 kg) of iron for (ana) A1’s work at his disposal (ina pāni) on the 28th of Addar (XII), year 15;

42 minas (≈ 21 kg) in 27.XII (year not mentioned, perhaps 16 Nbk). -LINE- 28 minas (≈ 13 kg) of iron are at the disposal of A1 on the 23rd of Siman (III) year 17.”

(col. ii) incoming, heading: Processed (gamru) iron received (mahāru, Stat) from A1 (by the temple): 61 mina (≈ 30.5 kg) of processed iron (on the form of) 1 nashiptu-shovel, 15 hālilu-tools, on the 13th of Nisan (I) year 16. 770 shekels (≈ 6.4 kg) of processed iron (in the form of) 3 spades (māru), 1 nashiptu-shovel, 9 sickles (naggallu), šūrû-tools and pegs (sikkatu) for 5 iron spades in 10. Abu (IV), year 17; 815 shekels (≈ 6.8 kg) of processed iron (in the form of) 4 hālilu-tools, and 28½ minas (≈ 14.25 kg.) iron on the 13th of Nisan (I) year 16; 500 shekels (≈ 4.15 g) of processed iron (in the form of) 5 iron spades on the 26th of Siman year 17; … (fragmentary).

Two withdrawals are listed in col. i although they appear to belong to col iii: A1 withdrew (našû) 2½ shekels of silver, the remainder (rēhtu) of his wages (idu), in 10. Abu (IV), year 17, and 7 shekels (≈ 58 g) of silver on the 9th of Tašrīt (VII), year 18; 3 shekels (≈ 25 g) on the 26th of Siman (III) of the same year.

(col. iii) outgoing, heading: Wages (idu) (which) were given out (nadānu, sum-nu): 4⅞ shekels (≈ 40.5 g) of silver A1 withdrew for his wages on the 27th of Addar (XII) year 15, plus second payment (šanû) of 4¼ shekels in x.Siman (III). -LINE- A2 withdrew 5 shekels (of silver) on the 13th of Tašrīt (VII) year 16. -LINE- A3 withdrew 3½ shekels (≈ 29 g) of silver on the 26th of Addar (XII) year 15 and 2 shekels (≈ 16.6 g) silver on the 30th of x year 16. A2 withdrew 3 shekels (≈ 25 g) of silver from his wages on the 16th of Addar (XII) year 15. -LINE- A3 withdrew 5 shekels (≈ 41.5 g.) on the 16th of Addar (XII) year 15. -LINE- A3 withdrew 2½ shekels (≈ 20.75 g) on the 24th of Nisan (I) year 16; 2 shekels on the 12th of Addar (XII) year 16; 3 shekels (≈ 25 g) on the 16th+ of Siman (III) year 17; and 1½ shekels (≈ 12.45 g) he withdrew on the 10th+ of Siman (III) year x.


A1= Arad-Nabû/Ša-Nabû-šū, a known Blacksmiths (nappāh parzilli), see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 295f.; A2= Nabû-ahu-iddin/Iddia, a known blacksmith, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 315f.; A3= Ina-qibīt-Bēl-limmir, a known blacksmith, see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 308

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 17-mm-dd