Tablet Annuaire EPHE 1982 no. 609

NaBuCCo ID 3265
Museum No. Annuaire EPHE 1982 no. 609
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period ENB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Payne 2007 (unpubl. PhD diss.) 609

Note regarding gold and silver put at the disposal of two individuals. Dated.

The tablet records weighed gold and silver that are at the disposal of A and B.

[A] has 1 mina 56 shekels of gold at his disposal (ina pāni) for assaying (pidānu).

B, the (bronze) smith has 20 minas 10 shekels of silver, for … and a silver fermenting vat (namztu) at his disposal. The vat is one that (is used in the cult) before (ša pāni) the god [DN].

These metals were put (nadû) in the hand-held (qātē) bronze balance (zibānītu) and weighed (hâṭu) according to the 10 mina bronze weight and the 10 mina galâlu-stone weight.


A= […]; B= Nabû-zēru-ibni (//Nappāhu), bronze smith (nappāh siparri), see Payne 2007 (PhD diss.), 317, and see p. 78 for an alternative identification of a goldsmith of the same name

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. 10+-XII-10