Tablet AO 8561

NaBuCCo ID 3251
Museum No. AO 8561
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Balanced account
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TCL 12 59

Amounts of dates delivered to the temple as payment for impost and as the temple’s share in the harvest. Set off against amounts paid by the temple as salaries. Undated.

Horizontal LINEs divide this tablet into four sections, corresponding to different localities, and the impost (imittu) obligations of the men in charge of these localities.

Each section first specifies the amount of impost charged against the sharecropper(s) of a certain locality by the temple, followed by the amount of dates that the temple disbursed to them for their salaries (kurrummatu) and the amount of (harvested) dates it received (mahāru, Stat.) from them.* Each section then concludes with the outstanding balance (rēhu) charged against (ina pāni) the aforementioned local representatives.

The first section concerns the date impost from the orchards along Nār-šarri and the canal Takkīru, for the harvest of 1 AM. A, a known decurion (and later overseer of the ploughmen), was responsible for its collection.

The second section lays out the impost, for 1 AM as well, from Til-agurrēti which fell under the responsibility of B1, a known decurion, and B1, the slave (qallu) of the royal resident (qīpu).

Sections three and four relate to the imposts from Ḫarru-ša-Nadnāya for years 42–43 Nbk and 1 AM respectively. C1 and C2 were responsible for the collection of this impost.

Additional keywords: dates, primary/initial impost (estimation) (qaqqadu imittu), gardeners (nukaribbu), apart from (elat), ina libbi, quarter-share (4-ú zittu), total (napharu), the ox feeder (mušākil alpi), debt note (uˀiltu), charged against (ina muhhi).


* Below we specify their names. More on these individuals and their agricultural related activity at Janković 2013 (PhD diss.), esp. p. 78.


A= Nabû-ahhē-šullim/Nabû-udammiq, known as a ploughman, who became a decurion, and was later promoted to the overseer of the ploughmen; B1= Ibni-Ištar/Nabû-šumu-ibni, a known decurion and an overseer of the ploughmen; B2= Nabû-ahu-iddin, the slave (qallu) of the royal resident (qīpu); C1 = Bēl-uballiṭ/Ea-iddin; C2= Zēria/Nabû-iddin

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd