Tablet NCBT 00985

NaBuCCo ID 3240
Museum No. NCBT 00985
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps YOS 19 116

Note regarding the dedication and delivery of new temple-serfs to the Eanna temple. Dated.

This tablet accounts for the presence of fA1 and her son A2 among the temple’s serfs: they are temple-serfs (širku) because (ša, lit. whom) B1 and B2 brought them forth (abāku) and delivered (nadānu) them to C, the temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna stating: “D, our father, dedicated (zakû D) fA1 to the Lady-of-Uruk.


fA1= fItti-Nanāya-būnūˀa, mother of A2; A2= Ša-pî-kalbi/fItti-Nanāya-būnūˀa, son of fA1; B1= Aššur-uballiṭ/Nabû-ahu-iddin, brother of B2; B2= Lâbâši/Nabû-ahu-iddin, brother of B1; C= Kurbanni-Marduk, temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna; D= Nabû-ahu-iddin, father of B1+2

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. 14-V-18