Tablet NBC 04886

NaBuCCo ID 3237
Museum No. NBC 04886
CDLI P-Identifier P297908
Place of issue
Type and content Inventory
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps YOS 17 45

List of estimated income from the collection of imposts on fields. Dated.

The tablet lists the estimations of imposts (imittu) that the temple will collect from several ploughmen (ikkaru), sharecroppers (errēšu) and localities. Although not specified, the figures given in the tablet were probably measured in kors. Ruling lines separate between three sections and the tablet ends with the date.

section 1, ploughmen: 220 (kor) of barley are the impost (imittu) of A1; 160 of A2; 100 of A3. Total of 480 (kor) barley are the imposts of the ploughmen from Til-hurāṣi. LINE.

section 2, sharecroppers: 44 (kor) of B1; 2 of B2; 10 of B3; 12 of B4. Total of 68 (kor) barley and spelt from the sharecroppers. LINE.

section 3, localities: 3,221 from the irrigated farmland (tamirtu) of Re-...; 1,685 from the irrigated farmland of Naṣibāta?; 1,493 from Ṭuranu?; 495 from Biranatu and Rāṭu; 2,462 from Til-atūnāti?; 1,003 from […]


A1= Nabû-lēˀi/Zībi, ploughman (ikkaru) from Til-hurāṣi; A2= Bēlšunu/Nabû-ušēzib, ploughman from Til-hurāṣi; A3= Rēmūt/x-Bēl, ploughman from Til-hurāṣi; B1= Apkallu, sharecropper (errēšu); B2= Nergal-iddin/Nabû-zēru-līšir, sharecropper; B3= Nabû-nāṣir/Nabû-x, sharecropper; B4= Bēlšunu/Nabû-[x], sharecropper

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 02-I-27