Basic Metadata
- NaBuCCo ID
- 3231
- Museum No.
- BM 11439
- CDLI P-Identifier
- Place of issue
- Uruk city
- Type and Content
- Securities for debts
- Archive
- Eanna temple
- Dossier
- None
- Period
- NB
- Year BCE
- None
- Editio princeps
- Kozuh 2014
- Kraeling 1953
- Paraphrase
Undertaking to guarantee the temporary release of an individual detained by the temple because of unpaid debts.
A takes responsibility (pūtu našû) for B towards (ina qatê) C, the temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna, until Simān (III) 13 Nbn. At (ina muhhi) the shearing (gizzu), A will pay (nadānu) to the Eanna the 1 mina of silver from (ina) the balance still pending (rēhu) against (ša muhhi) B and D, bring B back (târu D) to Uruk, and there, hand him over to C.
Witnesses (mukinnu): E1, E2, E3. Scribe (ṭupšarru): F.
A= Šumu-iddin/Nergal-ušallim; B= Rēmanni-Marduk/Bēl-ahhē-erība; C= Zēria/Ibnāya//Egibi, the temple administrator (šatammu) of Eanna; D= Nergal-nāṣir/Bibēa; E1= Nādin/Aplāya//Ahūˀa; E2= Apkallu/Nabû-nāṣir//Išparu; E3= Nādin/Nergal-ušallim//Mudammiq-Adad; F= Balāṭu/Sîn-ibni//Rēˀi-alpi, scribe (ṭupšarru)
- Transliteration
- Babylonian Date (year-month-day):
- Nbn. 12-X-11
further information
- Imported (Person, Date)
- Yuval Levavi, Kathleen Abraham (07/09/2023)
- Legacy NaBuCCo ID
- None