Tablet AO 6802

NaBuCCo ID 3158
Museum No. AO 6802
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps TCL 13 179

Demand by a woman for the return of her slave detained by the temple for her father’s debt.

This is court procedure regarding a case of a woman claiming that a slave (qallu) that was detained by the temple was in fact given to her as part of her dowry (nudunnû). First the background of the case is laid out and then the current legal process. The end of the tablet is fragmentary and it is unclear how the case ended.

A, the royal supervisor (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti) of Eanna took (abākuB, the slave of C from the house of his daughter fD, in Abu (V) 1 Camb. This was in lieu of C’s outstanding balance (rēhu ina muhhi) of sheep and goats (ṣēnu) belonging to (makkūru, lit. property of) the Lady-of-Uruk.

A, however, did not brand (šamātu) the slave with a star (kakkabu) and did not book (šaṭāru) him in the temple’s ledgers (lēˀu). Additionally, fD stated (qabû umma) that “he (i.e. B) is my dowry (nudunnû)”.

Later on (arku), on the 5th day of Ulūl (VI) 3 Camb (i.e. 2 years later), brought in (abāku) fD and asked her to show him (kalāmu, D Imp.) her dowry tablet (ṭuppu nudunnû) or B’s sale tablet (ṭuppu šīmu kaspu, lit. price of silver) so that he may release (muššuru) him to (ina pānifD.

fD swears (nīšu zakāru) by the Lady-of-Uruk and Nanāya, in front of the assembly (puhru) that: “C, my father and fE, my mother gave (nadānu) me B for my dowry (nudunnû) and […], but the dowry and sale tablets are not in my house, … (the rest is fragmentary): … [ there are no(?)] other claims (rašûtu) … of F my husband (mutu), … […]”.

Witnesses (mukinnu): G1G2G3G4G5G6, G7 (the last name must be the scribe).

 A= Nabû-ahu-iddin, royal supervisor of the Eanna (ša rēš šarri bēl piqitti Eanna); B= Dannu-ahhēšu-ibni/fNanāya-šininni, slave (qallu) of C; C= Nanāya-ahu-iddin/Nergal-ina-tēšê-ēṭir (father of fD, husband of fE); fD= fUbartu/Nanāya-ahu-iddin (=C); fE= fInnatūa (wife of C mother of fD); F= Ištar-mukīn-apli (husband of fD); G1= Arad-Nergal/Kīnāya//[…]; G2= […]/Šamaš-šumu-ibni//Mandidu; G3= Ibnāya/[…]//[…]; G4= […]/Naˀid-Marduk//[…]; G5= […]-Mukkēa//[…]; G6= Innin-nāṣir […]; G7= […]-ra/Inn[in …]

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. [x]-[x]-[x]