Tablet PTS 2850

NaBuCCo ID 3144
Museum No. PTS 2850
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Summons/Oath/Injunction
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Jankovic 2013 (unpubl. PhD diss.)

Obligation to make use of disbursed barley.

The tablet, written towards the end of 26 Nbk, concerns the 400 kor of barley at the disposal (ina pāni) of B, the canal inspector (gugallu) which he paid in full (gamāru-ma eṭēru, Impf., wr. ig-mur-ú-ma i-ṭi-ru.) to A1 and A2 in the previous year (25 Nbk).

For whatever (mala ina libbi) remains undelivered (tebû, lit. emerges, wr. ta-bi-tu) (to the Eanna) in 26 Nbk, they will pay 0;1 kor per 1 kor as interest.

Names of 5 witnesses and the scribe.

The context of the transaction is not entirely clear. The two men to whom the canal inspector delivered the barley are not to hold on to it themselves for the entire year, but to disburse it further and put it into use. Anything left at their disposal by the end of the year will carry interest.

 A1= Zēria/Nabû-nāṣir//Amīl-Ea; A2= Kabtia/Rēmūt-Gula//Šigūa; B= Amurru-šarru-uṣur, canal inspector (gugallu).

Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbk. 26-XI-19