Tablet BM 42362+

NaBuCCo ID 2976
Museum No. BM 42362+
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Real estate - Other
Period Each
Year BCE 587
Editio princeps Jursa 1999
Paraphrase Work contract on land: A rents out to B1 and B2 land planted with trees (zēru zaqpu) that belongs to C, who  pledged it as security to A, for digging work (ana herūtu). B1 and B2 are to dig up what remains, up to 1 kor of land. A clause concerning failure of completion of the task on pain of paying 6 kor of dates follows. They receive their wage in dates (sissinnu) from A. A clause excluding two spades and the promissory note for dates charged against B1 and B2 ends the operative section. 4 witnesses and the scribe: Bēl-ušallim/Šulāya//Nappāhu. Addendum: He will charge [x] kor of dates per kor of land.
A = Bēl-rēmanni/Mušebši-Marduk//Šangû-Šamaš; B1 = Habaṣīru/Sîn-ahu-iddin//Erībāya; B2 = Bēl-iddin/Lābāsi; C = Nidintu-Marduk/Šamaš-šumu-līšir//Ileˀˀi-Marduk
= Šamaš-nāṣir; A2 = Bēl-uballiṭ; = Aya-hīpat
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-VI-dd