Tablet L 1634

NaBuCCo ID 2788
Museum No. L 1634
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Marriage
Period Each
Year BCE 486
Editio princeps Joannès 1989 236
Paraphrase Dialogue document concerning a marriage agreement: A voluntarily (ina hūd libbišu) approaches (qabû) fB and calls on her to come and become his wife. fB grants (šemû) the request and agrees to marry and stay with A. She voluntarily (ina migir libbišu, mi-gi-il) gives to A as a dowry (nudunnû) 1/3 mina of silver along with various different pots and vessels. On the day A marries another woman, he will give 1 mina of silver to fB. Each party has taken a copy. 3 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Nidintu-Bēl/Bēl-ahu-iddin; fB = fTablūṭu/Nabû-šarru-uṣur; Scribe = Nabû-rē’û-[…]/Itti-Nabû-balāṭu//Rīšaya
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-XIIb-dd