Tablet AO 10254

NaBuCCo ID 2684
Museum No. AO 10254
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Security for debt
Period NB
Year BCE 605
Editio princeps TCL 12 21
Paraphrase Placement of a pledge: B will dwell in the house of A for 20 minas of silver by 1/12 alloy per shekel (1 šiqil girê), property (nikkassu). It is pledged to the creditor in lieu of paying interest (antichretic pledge). 5 witnesses (including Aplāya//Ilī-bāni and Nabû-kudurri-uṣur//Ilī-bāni) and the scribe.
A = Nabû-nādin-šumi/Nabû-mukīn-apli//Siyāti; B = Nabû-mukīn-zēri/Aplāya//Ilī-bāni; Scribe = Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti/Šabrū
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Npl. yy-XII-dd