Tablet HS 562

NaBuCCo ID 2642
Museum No. HS 562
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Other
Period Each
Year BCE 528
Editio princeps TMH 2/3 118
Paraphrase Agreement concerning the harvest of pledged land: Without the consent of A, D will not give to fB nor any other person the harvest of her field (ebūr eqli) which is pledged to A and entrusted (paqādu) to D. The field is located in the irrigation district (tamirtu) of the Oven Gate (bāb kīri) and adjoining (the house of) C. 2 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Mušēzib-Bēl/Zēr-Bābili//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni; fB = fBusasa/Bēl-uballiṭ//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni; C = Šamaš-iddin/Šumu-ukīn//(Ea-)ilūtu-bāni; D = Nabû-nūr-ka-lūmur/Nabû-nāṣir/Nūr-Sîn; Scribe = Nabû-aplu-iddin/[…]//Rabûtu-ša-Adad
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. yy-VI-dd