Tablet BM 94819

NaBuCCo ID 2592
Museum No. BM 94819
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content None
Year BCE None
Paraphrase Lease of vats: A rents out to B empty vats. He will give the vats until the 15th of Ṭebēt (X). Per broken or lost vat, C will pay 1 ½ shekels of silver. Witnesses and the scribe.
A = Aplāya/Nabû-zēru-ibni//Arkāt-ilāni; B = Nabû-bēlšunu/Nabû-lē’i//Bā’iru; C = Nabû-šumu-iškun/Puhhuru//(Ea-)-ilūtu-bāni; Scribe = Nabû-šumu-iddin//Ahhia’ūtu
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): XXX. yy-mm-dd