Tablet YBC 11388

NaBuCCo ID 2555
Museum No. YBC 11388
CDLI P-Identifier P311562
Place of issue
Type and content Exchange
Period ENB
Year BCE 629
Editio princeps JCS 36/1 (1984), 1-63 21
Paraphrase Exchange of date gardens: A and B exchange their date gardens with each other. B receives 0;1 square kor (2,700 m2) cultivated date garden which is located at the Lagamal Canal and borders on (the property of) C. A receives 0;1.3 square kor (4,050 m2) cultivated date garden. In case of breach of contract, the fine is 2 minas of silver. 8 witnesses and the scribe, also described as writer of the sealed tablet (šāṭir kunukki).
A = Ea-ibni/Bēl-lēˀi; B = Ṣillāya/Erība/Šangû-Dilbat; C = Šāpik-zēri/Bammāya/Egibi; Scribe = Lagamal-ušabši/Šangû-Dilbat
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Kan. yy-XII-dd