Tablet AO 5469

NaBuCCo ID 2455
Museum No. AO 5469
CDLI P-Identifier P387069
Place of issue
Type and content Court protocol
Period ENB
Year BCE 673
Editio princeps TCL 12 4
Paraphrase Settlement of a dispute: A accused B to have in use his property. Their case has been brought before and decided by C and the citizens of Dilbat: B has to pay to A 10 shekels of silver. 3 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Mannu-kī-šarri; B = Upāqu; C = Bēl-ēpuš; Scribe = Nabû-šumu-uṣur//Sēkiru
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Esar. yy-XI-dd