Tablet BM 31118

NaBuCCo ID 2358
Museum No. BM 31118
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period Each
Year BCE 497
Editio princeps Abraham 2004 037
Paraphrase Receipt of a hireling? by the head of the Egibi family. Hired for six days a month during six months from March/April till August/September.
A receives a hireling?* from B for 6 days a month, from Nisan of the 25th year till the end of Ulūl of the 25th year. The text doesn’t specify the kind of work that the hireling? should do. The parties to the contract have taken one copy of the document each. Names of 3 witnesses and the scribe.

*[x (x)?] x.

A=Širik/Iddinaya//Egibi (=Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi); B=Bēl-iddin/Zēria//Rab-banê
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy---dd