Tablet BM 33972

NaBuCCo ID 2355
Museum No. BM 33972
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Ach
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Abraham 2004 083
Paraphrase Promissory note to pay a debt of silver, barley and onions to the head of the Egibi family. Pledge renewal. Repayment of the onions is to be obtained from the debtor’s income from impost on land. Silver had been transferred to the debtor to pay for rikis qabli. Reference to an outstanding debt of dates and barley secured by pledge.
B should deliver 3 5/6 minas and 7 ½ shekels of silver, 2 kor of barley and 130 bundles of onions that are due from him to A. The silver and the onions should be delivered in Nisan (I) of the 6th year. In Ayyar (II) of the same year he should deliver the full amount (gamru) of indebted barley, in one instalment according to A's measure. All (gabbu) the previously pledged (bīt maškanu) fields planted with trees (eqlu zaqpu) and grain (pî šulpi), from the Borsippa Canal to the Royal Street, are pledged (anew) to A (maškanu). No other creditor shall exercise any rights over these until A has received full repayment of his credit claim. In addition (elat), there is a previous promissory note (u'iltu) for 297.3.0 kor of dates and 11.2.3 kor of barley owed to A (rašûtu) for which the above mentioned fields have been taken as pledge (maškanu ṣabātu). The (indebted) silver is that which has been given (nadānu, G Stat.) to finance work (dullu) at the dams (mušennītu), within the framework of payments for rikis qabli of the 5th year. A will receive full repayment of the onions from his (=the debtor's) income from the šibšu-impost on an onion-field (ina šibši eqlišu ša šūmi). The field (and the collection of impost from it) is managed by C (A's slave) (epēšu G, lit. "to contract to do perform certain tasks")). The upper sector belongs to B; the lower sector, which is located next to the house of the Canal Inspector (AGRIG [mašennu]), is shared with D. Names of 4 witnesses and the scribe.

A=Marduk-nāṣir-apli/Itti-Marduk-balāṭu//Egibi; B=Rēmūt-Bēl/Šumu-ukīn; C=Madān-bēlu-uṣur; D=Nabû-māku-uṣur
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd