Tablet BM 30760

NaBuCCo ID 2341
Museum No. BM 30760
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Camb. 153
Paraphrase Promissory note for silver. Purchase price.
B owes 4 minas and 9 shekels of silver to A for the purchase (šīmu) of two bronze containers: a bathtub (narmaku) and a bowl (gullatu). If the debtor fails to all deliver (eṭēru D-ma nadānu) the containers (udû) on the 29th (i.e. within the next two days), he should pay back the 4 minas and 9 shekels of silver to A in Ayyār (II) (i.e. next month). Witnesses.
A = Ahhē-Iddin-Marduk/Marduk-šākin-šumi//Eṭēru; B = Itti-Marduk-balāṭu/Nabû-ahhē-iddin//Egibi
Transliteration Transliteration available on Achemenet
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Cam. yy-I-dd