Tablet BM 35528

NaBuCCo ID 2230
Museum No. BM 35528
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Nbn. 82
Paraphrase Promissory note for silver without interest
fB owes 12 shekels of silver to fA, to be paid without interest in Arahsamna (VIII) of Nabonidus 3rd year. There are also (elat) barrels (dannu) pledged to the creditor: they are at her brother's disposal (C). Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe: Madān-šumu-iddin/Zēria//Nabāya.

fA = fIna-Esagila-rāmat/Zēria//Nabāya; fB = fHabašintu/Šulāya//Nūr-Sîn; C = Madān-šumu-iddin/Zēria//Nabāya
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. yy-IX-dd