Tablet BM 30986

NaBuCCo ID 2163
Museum No. BM 30986
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period NB
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 1993 157
Paraphrase Receipt for silver. Purchase price.
fB, wife of C, pays 10 shekels of silver, the remainder of the purchase price, to A. What A sold to her is not specified in the document. This payment is to be kept separate from the promissory notes, the previous receipts and the expenditure that is written down in a tablet that belongs to her and her husband (C) and are owed (to them) by A’s father (D). Further excluded are the 50 shekels of silver that A himself owes (to them), as well as the promissory notes (against him) that belong to C. Names of 2 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Bēl-uballiṭ/Šāpik-zēri//Ile’’i-Marduk; fB = fIna-Esagila-ramât, wife of C; C = Iddin-Marduk(/Iqīšāya//Nūr-Sîn); D = Šāpik-zēri//Ile’’i-Marduk
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Nbn. yy-VII-dd