Tablet BM 30854

NaBuCCo ID 2039
Museum No. BM 30854
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Multiple (list)
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Abraham 2004 028
Paraphrase List of quantities of silver. Expenditures.
The document lists various quantities of silver that were expended a.o. to buy jars (dannu) by A and B (66 1/2 shekels), to buy beer from Borsippa (16 shekels), to pay for house rent (idū) (55 shekels), and to extend loans (ina pāni) against interest (hubullu) (15 shekels; 20? shekels to C; and a broken amount to D). It also lists expenditures of 100 kor of dates which are at the gate of Babylon. Missing dates (maṭû) (unless this refers back to the 100 kor of dates at the gate); and 14 kor of dates from Dilbat. The end of the tablet is badly preserved.

A= Napuštu; B= Dayyān-Marduk; C= Kabtia/Mušallim-Marduk; D= Bēl-qa…
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): no king. yy---dd