Tablet BM 77513

NaBuCCo ID 1865
Museum No. BM 77513
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Baker 2004 80
Paraphrase Purchase of house: A buys the house and hut (bītu epšu u huṣṣu) in the Šuanna district in Babylon of B (cf. for this house VAT98 and VAT67).  The price is 36.5 shekels of silver per sq. r., so A purchases the 5;0.0.10 sq. r for 3 minas 5 shekels of block silver and additional 6 shekels for the clothing of the mistress of the house (lu-bar-ri ša bēlet bīti); i.e. 3;11 minas of silver in total. The house comprises 2;0.2.4 sq. r on the upper side on the west, next to the house of C1, 2;0.1.3? sq. r (would be 2;0.2.4 according to VAT98 and VAT67) sq. r on the lower side on the east, next to the narrow through-street (sūqu qatnu āṣû), 2;0.1.3? sq. r (would be 2;0.1.6 according to VAT98 and VAT67) on the upper front on the north, next to the exit (mūṣû) of C1, and 2;0.1.6 sq. r on the lower front on the south, next to the house of C2 and next to the sq. r of the dowry (nudunnû) of fC3; i.e. a total of 5;0.0.10 sq. r. Clauses confirming the reception of the money and excluding further litigation on part of A’s party on pain of paying the price 12 times over follow. 6 witnesses ((ina kanāk ṭuppi), 1 ina ašābi-witness (fAmat-Ninlil, wife of B, who took 8 shekels of silver as a gift), and the scribe (Libūru/Nabûnnāya [same as in VAT67]). Fingernail impressions of B are in place of a seal.
A = Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāhu; B = Lābāši/Kurbanni-Marduk//Šamaš-bāri; C1 = Ṭāb-ṣilli-Marduk/Balāṭu//Rab-banê; C2 = Aššur-erība (AN.ŠÁR-eri-ba); fC3 = fLū-balṭāt/Nergal-ušallim//Egibi (cf. VAT98 which gives fLū-idiya/Marduk-ušallim//Egibi; and VAT67)
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy---dd