Tablet VAT 145

NaBuCCo ID 1836
Museum No. VAT 145
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Promissory note ina muẖẖi
Period Ach
Year BCE 514
Editio princeps VS 4 119
Paraphrase Promissory note for silver: B owes ½ mina of cut silver of 1/8 alloy to fA. The debt will bear a monthly interest of 1 shekel per mina. B and his brothers originally owed the silver to C, their creditor. D paid C on their behalf (ana muhhišu u ana muhhi ahhēšu). fA in turn paid D. The house of B, bordering on that of Libluṭ/Ibnāya//Asû, and his possessions (mimmašu gabbi) are pledged.
Three witnesses and the scribe (Ṭāb-ṣilli-Marduk//Rab-banê). According to the partly restored VAT1961+ fA is the mother of B and his brothers.
fA = fŠidatu/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāḫu; B = Bēl-šumu-iškun/Nabû-nādin-šumi//Gaḫul; C = Nabû-tabni-uṣur/Balāṭu; D = Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāḫu (brother of fA)
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-VIII-dd