Tablet BM 77393

NaBuCCo ID 1815
Museum No. BM 77393
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period Each
Year BCE 504
Editio princeps Dar. 463
Paraphrase Additional payment in connection with purchase of singer’s prebend: B gives back to A (further) 2 shekels of silver, after he had bought the prebend before Išhara of the 8th of Nisannu (I), comprising rights to 1 head of an ox, 1 lā illû head of a sheep and the (non-choice?) lā illû habsurukku-joint, from A for the full price (i.e. 16 shekels of silver, cf. BM77551+). It is further stated that C was present as a witness at the drawing up of the purchase tablet (BM77551+), possibly as an appendix to the witness list of that tablet as he is not listed in the witness list there. 8 witnesses + 4 added afterwards, and the scribe (= A).
A = Marduk-rēmanni/Kidinnu(=Kidin-Marduk)//Bēl-eṭēri; B = Šellebu/Iddināya//Nappāhu; C = Erība-Marduk/Nabû-nāṣir//Bēl-eṭēri
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-I-dd