Tablet VAT 135

NaBuCCo ID 1738
Museum No. VAT 135
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period Each
Year BCE 516
Editio princeps VS 4 110
Paraphrase Receipt for house rent: A receives from B the rent of his house from Nisannu (I), 4th year of Darius, till Ulūlu (VI), 5th year of Darius. Each party has taken a copy. B swears an oath by the king regarding the repairs to the drain (asurrû) of the house. 2 witnesses and the scribe (Nabû-ušallim/Nabû-kēšir//Bāˀiru).
A = Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāhu; B = Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti/Bēl-ahhē-iddin//Ṭābih-karri
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-II-dd