Tablet VAT 140

NaBuCCo ID 1669
Museum No. VAT 140
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Each
Year BCE 517
Editio princeps VS 5 66
Paraphrase Lease of field in Kār-Tašmētu: B1 rents to A 1 kor of land in Kār-Tašmētu, the dowry of fB2, of which the long side lies next to (the property of) C. The yearly rent for ten years amounts to 8;2.3 kor of dates, 10 loads of [palm-frond r]ibs (huṣābu), 20 palm-leaf baskets (tuhallu), 20 date baskets (gipû) [date palm fibres? (mangagu) and x containers of pr]essed dates (darīku). A is to pay the guards’s [fee (kādu) and the levy of the agricultural supervisor (gugallu). He is to deliver all the 8;2.3 kor of dates in the storehouse (haṣāru). He is to work all of the land and is responsible for the irrigation (pūt šaqûti ša mê). A clause against pruning (arû D, ú-mar-ru) any living part (raṭbu) (of the trees) and one against transgression of the agreement on pain of paying 1/3 mina of silver follow. 3 witnesses and the scribe (Bēl-erība/Šākin-šumi//Šigûa). Addendum: each party has taken a copy. The Dilmun date palms belong to B1. The land is at A’s disposal from Tašrītu (VII) of the 6th year.
A = Habaṣīru/Bēl-rēmanni//Egibi; B1 = Iddin-Nabû/Nabû-bān-zēri//Nappāhu; fB2 = fIna-Esagil-ramât/Balāṭu//Egibi; C = the son of Ašlāku
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-VII-dd