Tablet BM 130827

NaBuCCo ID 1623
Museum No. BM 130827
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period ENB
Year BCE 666
Paraphrase Purchase of a built house in Uruk (written on a stone tablet): A purchases a built house (bītu epšu) for 3 1/3 minas of silver in pieces (šibirtu), together with an additional payment (atru) of 10 shekels of silver, from B. The sold house is located in the district of the Kanisurra Canal (erṣet nār Kanisurra) inside Uruk. Its upper side (in the north) borders on the house of C and its lower side (in the south) on a narrow street (sūqu qatnu). Its upper front (in the east) borders on the inner side of the field (libbi eqli) of the seller and its lower front (in the west) borders on the canal (nāru) extending to the seven date palms (gišimmaru) on the island (ina uṣalli). It measures 47 x 42 cubits (23.5 x 21 m). Except for the common penalty clauses, also elaborate curses are written on this stone tablet. The transaction is concluded in the presence of (ina ušuzzi) the governor (šākin ṭēmi) of Uruk (Ahhēšāya) and the šatammu of Eanna (name lost). 20 witnesses and the scribe. Instead of a seal impression (kunukku), fingernail impression (ṣupru) of the seller.

A = Aidaˀ//Sagranu; B = Nabû-ahhē-šullim//Kuddiya; C = Šākin-šumi//Nummuru; Scribe = Nabû-ušallim//Balāṭu
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Ššu. yy-IV-dd