Tablet CBS 4993+

NaBuCCo ID 1500
Museum No. CBS 4993+
CDLI P-Identifier P261186
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Ach
Year BCE 441
Editio princeps EE 2
Paraphrase Dialogue document. A leases from B two canals: the Bēl Canal, also known as the Saḫiri Canal, and the canal of Mušēzib-Bēl with adjacent crown land (uzbarra). Lease terms: duration is not specified. Fixed yearly rent (sūtu) of 36,000 liters from the field crops of which 27,000 liters in barley (uṭṭatu) and the rest in wheat (kibtu), emmer (kunāšu) and millet (duḫnu), measured in the large standard (mašīḫu rabû). Payable at the barley harvest (month II). Additional rights and duties: A may divert (šadādu) water from the reservoir (ṣibittu) in Bīt-[…]. A shall pay to B an additional surcharge (mandattu) in livestock for pasturing (1 ox and 5 male sheep). B guarantees that there will be no litigation (la dababa) or contestation (la ḫarara) by C who is in charge of rents (ša muḫḫi sūti) for the [Sîn] Canal district against A for his use of water and land. A (?) shall pay a silver fine if (broken).
Made up in the presence of 7 witnesses a.o. Ninurta-iddin/Ninurta-erība, governor (šaknu) of Nippur.

Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Art I. yy-V-dd