Tablet BM 74564

NaBuCCo ID 1431
Museum No. BM 74564
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Receipt
Period Each
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Waerzeggers 2014 129
Paraphrase Receipt of dates: The scribe of Ebabbar A, by order of (ina qībi) B1, receives from C 23;0.5 kor (4,170 l) of dates. This is the partial payment of the dates, impost (imittu) of the treasury (namkūru) of Šamaš of Hasape and Ṭīl-ṣalmi of Darius 24th year, due from (ina muhhi) B1 and B2. The transport costs (maltaku, usually meaning “test”) have not been deducted (nahāsu) from them. This is in addition to (elat) the earlier promissory note (u’iltu) concerning 36;4.1 kor (6,630 l) of dates, impost of the treasury of Šamaš of Hasape and Ṭīl-ṣalmi of Darius 24th year at the disposal of B1 and B2, which A brought as a partial payment and handed over (našû-nadānu) to D, slave (qallu) of the bishop (šatammu) of Esagila (Ina-Esagila-lilbur). A has registered (ušuzzu) the partial payment of B1 and B2 of in sum 60 kor of dates (10,800 l) on the writing board (lē’u) of Šamaš and will show (kalāmu D-stem) the entries to the two payers. Each party has taken a copy (šaṭāru). 6 witnesses and the scribe.
A = Marduk-rēmanni/Bēl-uballiṭ//Ṣāhit-ginê, ṭupšarru (scribe) of Ebabbar Temple; B1 = Iddin-Bēl-/Zabdia; B2 = Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti/Bēl-ahhē-iddin//Gallābu; C = Arad-Bēl/Nabû-ēṭir-napšāti/Arad-Ea; D = Bēl-šullimmani, qallu (slave) of Ina-Esagila-lilbur, šatammu (bishop) of Esagila; Scribe = Bēl-iddin/Iqīša-Marduk//Arad-Ea
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-IV-dd