Tablet BM 31918

NaBuCCo ID 1398
Museum No. BM 31918
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Expenditure
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 1993 376
Paraphrase List of expenditures
The obverse side of the tablet, written portrait-oriented, lists the different parties (A1, A2, A3) in connection with silver expenditures. A third of the right side of the tablet is broken off.   
27 shekels of silver of A1 … (broken off)
13 1/4 shekels of silver of A2 … (broken off)
25 shekels of silver of A3 … (broken off)
10 1/8 shekels 2 sectors … (broken off)
19 1/2 shekels of A1 … (broken off)
15 shekels of silver which were deducted from the undivided property (= business assets?) (karû) are at B's disposal (ina pāni)
20 shekels of silver for choice beer (kurunnu) which from the house … (broken off)
Silver which has been taken away in the presence of the sons of C … (broken off)
sent to (abālu Š) D in the city ... (city name broken off).
sent to D … (broken off)
The reverse side of the tablet, written landscape-oriented, notes the expenditures in connection with the transport of onions and dates by boat:
20 shekels of silver, the miksu-tax paid (nadānu) for the boats loaded with onions.
3 mina of silver, from the silver for the dates at F’s disposal, were paid to D for transporting by boat F’s dates.
Of which 2 mina and 3 1/2 shekel … (broken) dates from Addar of the 5th year … (broken) of G
The rest of the reverse is broken off.
…sold from the boat filled with dates, of which 15 kor of dates belong to E (and) are at B’s disposal. No names of witnesses or a scribe.
A1 = Gūzānu…; A2 = Arad-Bēl…; A3 = broken off;  B = fIna-Esagila-rāmat/Zēria//Nabāya; C = Kīnāya (without affiliation); D = Madānu-bēlu-uṣur (without affiliation); E = Nūrēa; F = Nabû-ayyālu (without affiliation); G = Nergal-rēṣūa
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd