Tablet BM 34447+

NaBuCCo ID 1374
Museum No. BM 34447+
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Purchase
Period -
Year BCE None
Editio princeps Wunsch 2000 238
Paraphrase Purchase of land.
The tablet records the purchase  0;1+x Kor (2700+ m2) of agricultural land between two individuals whose names are unknown because of its fragmentary condition. The purchased field consists of an orchard bearing fruit (iṣṣi bilti), and is located in front of the […] Gate: its upper side measures 514 cubits (257 m) and borders on (the fields of) […] and of A, its lower side has the same length and borders on (the land belonging to) [the sons?] of B. The rest of the tablet is lost, at the end of the reverse a few words of the usual formula in which the seller acknowledges that he has received the full amount of silver that was due to him and that he is satisfied are extant. The tablet ends with the warranty clause against future claims in which the parties agree that there will be no suits against each other, not even between members of their families – otherwise, any future claimant (pāqirānu) will have to repay twelvefold the silver he received. Names of 6 witnesses and 2 scribes.
A = Bānia/...; B = Etel…-…
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): -. yy---dd