Tablet BM 31705

NaBuCCo ID 1361
Museum No. BM 31705
CDLI P-Identifier
Place of issue
Type and content Lease
Period Each
Year BCE None
Paraphrase Land rental. 
Concerns [x] kor of arable land located in Nuhšanitu, together with B1’s and B2’s guardhouse and an orchard - land stretching from the branch of the Borsippa Canal to […]. A received this land from C (and then) leased it to B1 from the house of Bibānu. […] The lessor should spade it and irrigate it with floodwater. He is responsible for gardening the date palm fronds (libbu) and branches (harūtu). He should also dig an exit(?). He guarantees for the land and the orchards; he should not cut off (murrû) the fresh dates (uhinnu). He should build a wall around the orchards and tilt(?) (kanāšu) the dam. Names of xxx witnesses and the scribe.

A = Itti-Nabû-balāṭu/Bunene-bān-zēri//Bēl-ēṭiru; B1 = Nabû-ahu-rēmanni; B2 = Qīštia; C = Murašû/Iddin-Marduk//Ilia
Transliteration None
Babylonian Date (year-month-day): Dar. yy-VII-dd